Spiritual Awakening - White Quartz, Acacia Wood, Stainless Steel, Lights Sculpture by Dorit Schwartz

October 2014 Newsletter

Dorit Schwartz Sculptures at The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art!

Dorit Schwartz, Sculptor

Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art • Chai Lights Exhibit • Jewish Artists & Art of Las Vegas • October 2014


Jewish Art Exhibition of Las Vegas, NV

Please join us at the VIP Reception on Sunday, October 19th, from 1pm to 5pm, at The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art.

This Event is a fundraiser to help support on-going exhibitions at The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art, including the Anne Frank and Chai Lights Exhibits.  The museum is a 17,000 square feet venue which features 

This particular exhibition features artists of Jewish descent as well as non-Jewish artists portraying Jewish imagery and themes.

All pieces are originals works completed within the last five years and signed by the artist. All artwork is for sale and membership discounts apply.  The proceeds will benefit the SNMFA and its currents, well as future, exhibitions.

Open Wine Bar & Buffet Dinner will be served.  Complimentary editions of “The Diary of Anne Frank” will be distributed.

The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art - Art Exhibition Hall
The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art - Dorit Schwartz Sculptures
The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art - Bufet Dinner
The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art - Anne Frank Exhibit

Annual Membership $30

(includes two free tickets to the exhibit of your choice)
Additional Member Guests & Non-Member tickets are $10.00 per person
(must RSVP by October 16th)

Children 12 and under are admitted Free of charge

RSVP by Oct. 16th
Email: snmoffa@gmail.com
Phone: 702-382-2926

Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art
450 Fremont St., Suite 270
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Click Here for Driving Directions

Visit The Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art: www.snmfa.com

Introducing: The Light of Kabbalah Collection

Recapturing The Spark of The Soul, Sculpture

Recapturing The Spark
Yud-Lamed-Yud • ילי

• Number 2 in The 72 Names of God.

Heaven on Earth - Sculpture

Heaven on Earth
Yud-Zayin-Lamed • יזל

• Number 13 in The 72 Names of God.

Happiness - Sculpture

Vav-Hey-Vav • והו

• Number 49 in The 72 Names of God.

Soul - Sculpture



Light of Kabbalah Collection

Dear Friends,

I am so pleased to welcome you my monthly updates Newsletter! As a gift next month, I am providing you with a FREE Copy of my latest eBook the Healing

Properties of Crystals, yours to download inside the November Newsletter.

I am looking forward to communicating with you on a monthly basis and I hope to hear from you via ourDorit Schwartz, Sculptor Social Media outlets!

Follow me on Twitter: @DoritSchwartz18

I create inspirational sculptures out of marble, crystal & rare wood that are exhibited in unique local venues & adorn personal homes. – Dorit Schwartz, Sculptor

Las Vegas, NV · 
